Candlelight Sessions

The Candlelight Sessions are a new, intimate, live music and entertainment initiative in The Blue Mountains, Australia.
Initial stages will be a range of acoustically styled, music performances, singer/songwriter competitions & spoken word/poetry events.

The Candlelight Sessions are a new, intimate, live music and entertainment initiative in The Blue Mountains, Australia.

Initial stages will be a range of acoustically styled, music performances, singer/songwriter competitions & spoken word/poetry events and any other art, performance, music, poetry and entertainment group that might need an audience.

We have a range of grand plans from a new Blue Mountains singer/songwriter competition, a Blue Mountains Poetry Performance Competition, a range of differently style local and not so local acts interested in performing in our acoustic candlelit concerts and the possibility of a variety night event.

This is all in the very early stages but if you're interested in the concept and would like to come along feel free to like our page to be kept updated. If you are a musician, band, group, performer, poet, actor or anything else that might like an audience then get in touch. Our website will be up soon and in the mean time leave messages for us here or send us an email to

Depending on the artist some performances will have ticket prices to match and competitions may have tickets as well to help fund the prizes for entrants.

Concert venue